Monday, September 14, 2009


Area: 18.557 km²
Population: 349.437 (1992)
Traffic Code: 36
The province of Kars is located in the North East Anatolia and is on the Historic Silk Road. Kars is a border city whose foundation history extends to the BC 9000 - 8000 and the city is a well-known city with its historical and archeological ruins, natural beauties and rich folklore culture.
Districts : Akkaya, Arpaçay, Digor, Kağızman, Sarıkamış, Selim and Susuz.
How to Get
Highway The distance between the bus station and the city center is approximately 3 km. It is possible to reach to the bus station from the city center by services of the commercial bus firms and by shared taxis.
Telephone of the bus station: (+ 90 - 474) 223 33 33 - 223 29 55 - 212 77 77
Air Transportation The distance between the Kars Airport and the city center is 7 km.
Telephone of the Airport: (+ 90 - 474) 223 06 74
Railway The distance between the railway station and the city center is 1 km. The transportation is possible via commercial taxis and shared taxis. The railway connection is Kars - Ankara -Istanbul (among Erzurum - Erzincan - Sivas - Kayseri).
Telephone of the Railway station: 0 (474) 223 43 98 / 223 43 99
Where to Visit
Ani ( Ocaklı ) The Ani Ruins are at 48 km distance to the Kars Province. The ancient city is founded at the banks of the Arpaçay River flowing in the vicinity of Turkey - Armenia border and is in the borders of Mevcut Ocaklı Village. The foundation date is estimated to be in BC 350 - 300 years. The tourists coming to our country frequently visit the ruins of Ani. The ruins of city walls, Medi churches and Seljukian architecture creations of the Ani ruins are magnificent art works and they worth visiting.
Seljuk Palace The palace is located at the northwest end of the Ani ancient city and is quite magnificent. The external entrance gate is adorned with rich mosaic geometrical patterns. The internal structure of the building formed by a complex combination of various chambers, galleries, storage chambers and fountains.
The Ramparts The Northern ramparts are firstly constructed in the year 972. By the addition of eastern ramparts between 977 - 990 years, these ramparts had been strengthened. The three northern entrance gates are worth seeing. The Dragon Tower, which was used as a hospital by Seljukians in12th Century is one of the oldest hospitals of Anatolia.
Kars Castle The Kars Castle is also called as Central Castle or Inner Castle and was constructed in the 10th Century. The Castle was completely destroyed by the forces of Timur in 1386 and was reconstructed in 1579.
Beylerbeyi Palace The Palace is located at the skirts of the Kars Castle. The palace was constructed by the order of Lala Mustafa Paşa in 1579. The structure has two floors and was occupied as the Kars Town Hall since 1828.
Evliya (Saint) Mosque and the Menuçehr Mosque (The first mosque constructed by the Seljukian civilization in Anatolia) are the most important mosques of the province. The first constructed mosque was collapsed in 1579 and it was restored and reconstructed in 17th century with earthen ceiling. The mausoleum in its courtyard named the mosque.
Religion Tourism
Menucehr Mosque (Ani Ruins): It is located in Ani Ancient City. Built by Ebu Süca Manucehr from Seddatoğulları Government in 1072, the mosque attract attention as the first building to have been constructed in Anatolia by Seljuks.
It is among the most splendid works of Seljuks of Anatolia with its vivid stones of the view of mosaics and rich geometric decorations on its ceiling.
Ebul Muammeral Mosque (Boz Minare, Ani Ruins): At the center of Ani Province, the mosque was constructed by the latest Seddatlı Sultan Şahan Şah. The minaret of the devastated mosque has been fell over to one side.
Keçel Church (Aziz Pirkitch Church, Ani Ruins): Located in Ani Ruins, the church was constructed by the son of Abugremrizents Daklavini,the grandchild of Gregor between the years 1034-1036. It was restored in 1173 by Priest Tridot, and a belfry was added to the main building in 1291and the dome was repaired in 1342. Nearly half of the building has still been demolished since it was strucked by lightining.
Şirli Church (Aziz Gregor Church, Ani Ruins): Located at Ani Ruins,the church was constructed by Tigran upon the request of the minorities of Şeddatlı Government in 1215. The main structure, which is of high esteem with its adornments on the inner sections of the dome, has been destructed to a certain extent.
Abughamrent Gregor Church (Ani Ruins): Located at Ani Ruins, it was constructed by Ani King Gagik XI. in the name of Gregor in 998.
Güvercinli Church (Maiden's Church, Ani Ruins): Located at Ani Ruins, the structure thought to have been built in XIInd or XIIIrd centuries was perched on a steep rocky place near Arpaçay.
Kemserakanlı Church (Ani Ruins): Located at Ani Ruins, the church was built in 922 and only a single wall adorned with the motifs of primitive men has remained today.
Meryemana Cathedral (Fethiye Mosque, Ani Ruins): The construction of the cathedral had been started during Sembatat II. at Ani city center in 1010 and was completed during Gagik I. period. After Alpaslan conquered the province of Ani in 1064, ithe building was used as a mosque for a certain period of time. As it had been damaged by the earthquake in1319, it was restored by the Architect Tiridot. Today it is among the rare structures in Ani that have been well-preserved so far.
Arak' Eltos Church (Ani Ruins): The church was constructed at Ani Ruins as a patriarchate in 1031. Upon the as the invasions of Ani by the Seljuks, it was converted into a caravanserai in 1064
Havariler( Disciples) Church (Kümbet Mosque, Center): On the southern slope of the Kars Castle in Kaleiçi District,the church has been well preserved till to our times. It was constructed between the years 932-937 by King Abbas of Bağrat who announced Kars as the capital city. In 1878, it was restored by the Russians. The belfry had been built adjacent to the church in 1890 was demolished in 1918.
After long periods of service as a church, the building was converted into a mosque by Seljuks in 1064. Still it was used as church in the following years. Reconverted into a mosque in 1918, the building finally decided to be used as a museum in 1964
Taşköprü (Stone Bridge) The bridge was constructed during the restoration period of the entire city in 1579 by the order of Sultan III. Murat. This initial bridge had collapsed in time and later the present bridge was constructed on the old pedestals in 1719
İlbeyoğlu Bath The bath is located at the right side of the Taşköprü. Its current name is
Muradiye Bath. The embossed designs and decorations display the characteristics of 18th century architecture style. The bath is currently in use.
Mazlumağa Bath This bath is located at the left side of the Taşköprü and was constructed in 1579.
The province of Kars hosts numerous plateaus and it is possible to say that the province is composed of plateaus. The province had a great potential of plateau tourism and ranch tourism.
Winter Tourism
KARS - Sarıkamış
In the Eastern Anatolia Region and 55km south-west of Kars, the Sarikamis Ski Resort is on the Camurlu mountain at an altitude of 2634m, and is renowned for its good quality of snow.
The Cibiltepe, with an altitude of 2500m, is an area of wonderful natural beauty and has five ski runs, the longest of which is 12 km long. It is covered with crystallised snow and therefore is very challenging.
Arrival: Sarikamis Ski Resort is 60km south-west of the centre of Kars, and 50km from the airport. It is also accessible from Erzurum airport, south-west. There are direct buses to the ski resort from Kars airport (40 mins) and Erzurum airport (90 mins). From the centre of Kars, there are no public vehicles.
Geography: The skiing area is between the altitudes of 2100 -2634m, within the pine forests. There is an average depth of 1.5m and is quite typical of Alpine conditions, and the best ski season is between 20 December - 20 March. It has a terrestrial climate, with a dominant south-westerly wind direction.
Facilities: There are two government guest-houses, and other private accommodation. Ski instructors and equipment is available for rent, and there is first aid, security and health services available, more hotels and hospital in the Sarikamis area. There is a military zone which can be used for helicopter landings. There are two chairlifts and one T-bar, plus two 4-seater T-bars.
Kars Museum The museum is one of the richest museums of Eastern Anatolia Region. The museum is separated into two main sections. At the archeological findings hall, ceramic and bronze works, ring stones, various coins, embroidered wooden doors, niches, bells discovered at the excavations executed in the Kars region are exhibited while at the ethnographic works hall the objects used by the folk of Kars during the history are exhibited. Also in the courtyard of the museum, relieves of various periods, ram statues and tombstones are displayed.
Telephone of the Museum : (+ 90 - 474) 212 38 17
Address İstasyon Quarter, Cumhuriyet Avenue No: 485
Open hours to visit : 08.30 - 12.30 / 13.30 - 17.00
Open days to visit: Everyday except Mondays
The province of Kars is located at the coldest region of the Eastern Anatolia. Therefore the province is under the effect of terrestrial climate; the winter seasons are long and severe while the summer seasons are mild, even chilly.
From the researches and studies, it was determined that the history of Kars extends to the Polished Stoned Age (BC 9000 - 8000). Hurri, Urartu, İskit, Part, Sasani and Byzantine civilizations had dominated the region. Seljukian Monarch Sultan Alpaslan had conquered the city and the surrounding area in 1064 and therefore the road of Anatolia had been granted for the following Turkish nations. After the conquest of the city by the Turks, the city and the region had been dominated by Mongols and Turkish States like Akkoyunlu and Karakoyunlu and finally the city had been entered under the reign of Ottoman Empire after 1514 by the conquest of Yavuz Sultan Selim.
Where to Eat
Beside the famous sheep cheese and honey, the province of Kars own rich food and beverage varieties. Among the original local meals, umaç halvah, elma dolması (apple stuff), hörre (flour) soup, evelik meal cooked from a plant called evelik, bread meal cooked by pouring hot butter and yogurt over bread, pişi, kuymak, hengel (meat pastry), haşıl cooked from wheat, bozbaş, piti which is a soup cooked with meat, pilaf cooked with sultani grape and Kars pastry could be counted.
What to Buy
The Kars carpets and pileless carpets weaved from natural painted cotton, hair, silk and wool threads having interesting local patterns are famous. The local silver belts, headgears and various silver jewelry are the authentic souvenirs of Kars. The feather stuffed pillows made from the feathers of goose are very healthy.
Don't Leave Without
Visiting ancient ruins of Ani and Kars Castle,
- Visiting the Museum,
- Eating yellow fish at the banks of Çıldır Lake,
- Tasting the famous honey, sheep cheese and gruyere,
- Buying Kars Caucasian Carpet,
- Watching Caucasian Folk Dances,
- Skiing at Sarıkamış

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