Monday, September 14, 2009


Hakkari, which is founded at the south hillside of deep and long Zap Valley, and sourrounded by mountains; is one of the most distant cities of Anatolia. It can be mentioned that it is the most strategic city of our country with its 343 km. territorial band on Iran – Iraq territory and its most extreme position at the south east of Turkey map.
Districts : Çukurca, Şemdinli and Yüksekova.How to Get
Highway A 2 – 3 hours bus voyage is enough to reach Hakkari from Van. There are bus voyages to our bigger cities from this route via road.
Coach Station Tel : (+ 90 – 348) 351 24 76
Airway Airway transportation to Hakkari is available from Van province. At the same time, the distance between Van and Hakkari is supplied via an asphalt road, and a 2 – 3 hours bus voyage is enough to reach Hakkari from Van.
Where to Visit
Taş Köprü (Rock Bridge) It is constructed on Şemdinli stream with a distance of 1,5 – 2 km. to Nehri and 15 km. to Şemdinli province center.
Kırmızı Kümbet Mezarlığı (Red Vault Graveyard) Graveyard, which is on an ridge, inclined from North to South within Gülereş Baba District, is one of the places which is visited and known as holy by public.
Rock Pictures Researcher Muvaffak Uyanık, had found thousands of rock pictures, which are drawn on the rocks at “Geveruk” and “Tirşin” plateaus at the west of Hakkari regions.
Goat Statue There are pictures which are similar to the motifs on Geveruk rock pictures on the side faces of goat statue, at Yüksekova province center.
Meydan Theology School It is within Hakkari, Biçer District. It is understood that theology school was constructed in 1700-1701 A.D according to the inscription on its entrance gate. Meydan Theology School is one of the most important monumental structures of Hakkari with the adornments on the internal courtyard door with pavilion and monumental structure and smooth cut masonry.
Halil Church It is 10 km away from Hakkari, and Halil region at side of the road.

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