Monday, September 14, 2009


Çankırı is capital city of Çankırı Province, in Turkey, about 140 km (87 mi) northeast of Ankara. It is situated in a rich well-watered valley, at about 800 m (2500 ft) in elevation.
It was known in antiquity as Gangra, then Germanicopolis (Greek: Γερμανικόπολις) for a period, although Ptolemy calls it Germanopolis
The settlement witnessed the hegemony of many cultures and races, such as Hittites, Persians, Greeks, Parthians, Pontus, Romans and Byzantines, up to Seljuks and finally the Ottoman Turks, and the traces from its long past stand all over the area.

Gangra, the capital of the Paphlagonian kingdom of Deiotarus Philadelphus, son of Castor, was absorbed into the Roman province of Galatia on his death in 65 BC. The earlier town, the name of which signified she-goat, was built on the hill behind the modern city, on which are the ruins of a late fortress; while the Roman city occupied the site of the modern. It was named Germanicopolis, after Germanicus or possibly the emperor Claudius, until the time of Caracalla.

In Christian times Gangra was the metropolitan see of Paphlagonia. In the 4th century the town was the scene of an important ecclesiastical synod, the Synod of Gangra. Conjectures as to the date of this synod vary from 341 to 376. All that can be affirmed with certainty is that it was held about the middle of the 4th century. The synodal letter states that twenty-one bishops assembled to take action concerning Eustathius (of Sebaste?) and his followers, who condemned marriage, disparaged the offices of the church, held conventicles of their own, wore a peculiar dress, denounced riches, and affected especial sanctity. The synod condemned the Eustathian practices, declaring however, with remarkable moderation, that it was not virginity that was condemned, but the dishonouring of marriage; not poverty, but the disparagement of honest and benevolent wealth; not asceticism, but spiritual pride; not individual piety, but dishonouring the house of God. The twenty canons of Gangra were declared ecumenical by the Council of Chalcedon, 451.
Various produce like wheat, corn, beans, apple etc. are grown in the farms, and fields that are rich of water.
Most of the industry is located near the city center and Korgun. Other towns that are in the industrial map of the city are Şabanözü, Çerkeş, Ilgaz, Kurşunlu, and Yapraklı.
Çankiri Province is located on the northern edge of Turkey’s Central Anatolia Region, on the border of the western Black Sea Region. It is bordered by Ankara and Kirikkale to the south, by Bolu to the west, by Kastamonu and Karabük to the north, and by Çorum to the east.

Although Çankiri has been continuously inhabited since Neolithic times, numerous earthquakes have inflicted heavy damage on historical remnants. However, Çankiri is a beautiful place in which to enjoy nature, away from distressing city life. Çankiri’s majestic, snowy mountains have been the subjects of poems, and its forests cover nearly one third of its area. Its plateaus are suitable for camping, caravaning, walking, horseback riding, bike riding, photography, and hunting. It also has thermal mineral springs, centuries-old culture, and warm, hospitable people.
I It is possible to arrive Cankiri Via Ankara and İstanbul by buses. There is train transportation from Ankara. It takes 2 hours to arrive in Cankiri from Ankara and 6 hours from İstanbul.

Archeological information about Çankiri is derived from tumuli and river banks, since no extensive excavations have been done. Settlement dates to the Neolithic Age (7000-5000 BC). Bronze Age settlements (3000-2000 BC) are encountered all over the province, especially along the Kizilirmak River. Finds from the Inandik tumulus include a Hittite vase and a charity receipt in cuneiform writing, clearly showing Hittite habitation between 2000-1200 BC. Çankiri was ruled first by Phrygia, then by the Kimmerians, and later by the Persians during the first millennium BC. The Persian rule was brought to an end with the conquest of Anatolia by Alexander the Great in 330 BC. In the first century BC, Çankiri became part of the Roman Empire with the name of Germanikopolis. During this period, Ilgaz (Olgasaya) and Çerkes (Antinopolis) were also settled. During the Byzantine period, Christians lived in the province. After the Seljuks defeated the Byzantines at the battle of Malazgirt on August 26, 1071, Turks began to settle in Anatolia. In 1074, Çankiri was conquered by Emir Karatekin Bey, one of the commanders of the great Seljuk sultan, Sultan Alparslan, and has remained a homeland of Turks since then. The province was called Germanikopolis and Gangra during the Byzantine Age, and was later named Kengri. With the establishment of the Republic of Turkey, its name was changed to Çankiri.

The Çankiri Museum is located on the second floor of the 100. Yil Kültür Merkezi, south of the monument area. Old Bronze Age (3000-2500 BC), Hittite Age (2000-1000 BC), Phrygian (1000-500 BC), Hellenistic, Roman, Byzantine, Seljuk, and Ottoman works are exhibited. Archeological and ethnographical items are displayed together in the exhibition hall, and some of the stone works are exhibited outside. The archeology section includes earthenware pots, bones, glasses, beads, bronze tools, ornamental furniture, tear and perfume bottles, medical apparatuses, heavy sacks, kerosene lamps, needles, ring gems, and many statue parts. The ethnography section includes regional woven fabric, handicrafts, handwriting samples, press patterns, clothes, guns, ornaments, and furniture representing daily life in Çankiri. Also on display is a historical ox cart which carried ammunition in the Turkish War of Independence on the Inebolu - Kastamonu - Çankiri - Ankara roads. The glass works exhibition hall contains many Roman and Byzantine items. Outside the building, lion statues from various civilizations, grave steles, milestones, epitaphs, and grain cubes are displayed.

The castle was built on a small hill on the north side of the city. It was famous for its strength during the Roman, Byzantine, Danisment, Seljuk, and Ottoman Ages, but now only a few ramparts remain. They have a quadrilateral plan and are made of rubble stones and bricks. The castle, 150 meters above the stream, contains earthenware pots, Roman rock graves, and Emir Karatekin Bey’s tomb, the conqueror of Çankiri. Trees were planted at the castle years ago. It continues to be used as a picnic area and place of pilgrimage.

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