Monday, September 14, 2009


80 kilometers east of Zonguldak is Bartin province on the Black Sea coast of Turkey, the calm city of timbered houses. It’s one of the newest provinces of Turkey. The history of the city dates back to 1200 BC, when Gasgas tribe inhabited in the environs. In the following years, the region had entered under the dominance of Hittites, Frigs, Kringens, Kokons , Enets, Kimmers, Lydians, Persians and Macedonians.
The historic progress of Bartin continues with the dominance of Roman Empire and Byzantine Empire and later with the dominance of Turkish
Seljuks and Candarogullari State between 11th - 13th centuries AD. Bartin was conquered by the Ottoman sultan Yildirim Bayazit in 1392.
The wooden Bartin houses disp
lay the architecturel characteristics of the artTanzimat Fermani (Reforms Decree). Temperate Black Sea naval climate is experienced in Bartin. Summer seasons are hot while winter seasons are chilly, and lots of rain of course which gives all of its green vegetation of the region. movements after the

The Bartin River passing through the city gives way to boat trips in the city to catch a glimpse of
perfect landscape.
This lovely city hosts strawberry festivals in spring. The city also has beaches of good quality. Inkum, a lovely setting with a holiday village and other facilities, has sandy beaches. Çarkaz, is a fishing village which has an excellent beach while at Kurucasile fishing boats are built. Amasra was founded in 6th century BC and its ancient name was Sesamos. It is one of the highest spots on the Black Sea Coast which displays unimaginable, fascinating beauties while traveling through. The city is located on a peninsula and the eastern side is especially good for swimming. The archaeological museum and Çekiciler Street are of interest, too. As a souvenir you may purchase hand-carved, wooden articles.
There are numerous ancient city ruins inside the borders of historic Paphlagonia region. Ancient cities of Sesamos (Amasra), Kromna (Kurucasile) and Erythinoi (Cakraz) are located inside the borders of Bartin.

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